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Hyperbaric oxygen treatment

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is one way to take in pure oxygen - the Baobang machine that overcomes these high atmospheric pressure and lets pure Oxygen enters your body. What makes it special is that the therapy boosts your body's power to heal by increasing oxygen levels delivered throughout its cells, tissues and organs. The hyperbaric oxygen treatment more oxygen you get, the better your body will function and recover from injuries or diseases.

Traumatic brain injury (tbi): any nondegenerative, structural trauma to the head resulting in more than 1 of the following: a period of lost or decreased consciousness; loss of memory for events immediately before or after experiencing an remote epochal end event traumatic experience; alteration in mental state at time injuries were sustained must last >24 hours.

Revitalizing Your Body with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

In order to understand hyperbaric oxygen therapy, we have to know why our bodies need oxygen. Our body makes energy from oxygen which our bodies need to do all the things we have to. The air we breathe goes into our lungs and oxygen moves from the blood to produce cells. Because you see, occasionally there is a health condition that causes an obstacle in reaching oxygen to our cells thereby making it difficult for ideal functioning of the human body.


We give our bodies more oxygen than normal by increasing pressure in the chamber while we breath pure Oxygen. The Baobang hyperbaric oxygen treatment at homeadditional oxygen can assist our cells with producing more energy, fend off contaminations and help in the recuperating of incalculable medical problems. If we allow our bodies to consume more oxygen, hyperbaric treatment will essentially make a significant difference in health_SYQ

Why choose Baobang Hyperbaric oxygen treatment?

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